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Tag: Windflowers


今天翻看以前的文件,无意中发现了一首好听的老歌:齐秦齐豫版的Windflowers(风之花),查看了歌曲文件的日期,竟然是1998年的。 传说希腊神话中有一个深得太阳女神阿波罗喜爱,名叫风信子的年轻美男子,被充满醋意的西风神苏菲洛误杀,风信子的血泊中片刻就长出了一种神奇美丽的花,心痛着的阿波罗女神把这朵盛开在血泊中的美丽的花朵命为风信子花,作为情侣间守节的信 物。 Windflowers的歌词中父亲以一过来人的身份,轻轻地告诉儿子,爱情虽然甜美却易逝去。 “不要去靠近风之花,那种古老的风之花,一旦靠近了就会离不开它,就会时时地追逐它,使自己痛苦。但是我没有听话。果然,我如今再也离不开它了……” Windflowers,my father told me not to go near them,he said he feared them always,and he told me that they carried him away. Windflowers,beautiful windflowers, I couldn”t wait to touch them, to smell them I held them closely, and now I cannot break away ,their sweet bouquet disppears,like the vapor in the desert,so take a warning, son. Windflowers,Ancient windflowers, their beauty captures every young dreamer,who lingers near them, but Ancient windflowers,I love you.