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Tag: Bif Naked

加拿大女Punk歌手 Bif Naked 《I Bificus》

Bif Naked, 1971年出生在印度New Delhi,被一对美国夫妇收养,然后移居到加拿大中部的一个城市Winnipeg,在University of Winnipeg学习表演专业时,她加入了学校的一支乐队,开始了她的Vocal演唱。她是加拿大相当流行的Punk女歌手,”provocative,sexy and very punk rock”已经成了媒体对Bif歌曲最常见的评价了,她的多张专辑,在Amazon上的用户评选得分基本都是5颗星里能拿到4.5~5的. Amazon亚玛逊网上,一个歌迷对这张专辑的Review: I first saw Bif Naked on an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Right away,I was very impressed by her presence and voice. When she sang Lucky, I was hooked and bought the album I, Bificus. While reading the lyrics, I saw inconsistencies which I thought to be last minute changes that didn’t make it into the final cut. Only later did I realize that I, Bificus had been remade for the States with different versions and extra songs.